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Puppy's First Day at Home

Bringing a new puppy home is a big step - no, take that one big step. Your puppy is coming home for the first time!

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Come home

Hopefully you bring home a new puppy from a rescue, shelter or breeder who is making accessible driving. Keep in mind that the puppy will not be fed in the morning on the day she moves into her new home. This should reduce the risk of accidents on your first drive.

However, I would recommend that you bring a blanket, paper towel and cleaning solution in case of an accident! Bringing a new puppy home in a car can make her car sick and throw away - this is her first car ride (thousands of people to come)!

It is a good idea to have at least two people to choose a new puppy and male dog names. That way, one of you puppies can drive home while the other can focus on them. I think it is ideal to be in the back seat with a blanket on your lap and a puppy on the blanket. I definitely think this is the best way to get your girl (instead of keeping the chick in a crate or in the back of an SUV, etc.). The puppy will feel safer and more comfortable this way.

Upon coming home

As soon as you reach home, take the puppy directly to the toilet area you already know. Make them a habit of your routine. Use a specific word (eg "get busy", "go potty"). You will constantly use this word to take her to the bathroom. Be patient and give him plenty of time - hopefully the puppy needs to relieve itself and you will have your first success in toilet training! Make sure the puppy will give a warm applause!

Then bring your new baby home. Let them meet close family members. Otherwise, please keep it low. Give your new child a chance to get acquainted with their family and new home before they are equipped with visitors.

With all the enthusiasm, don't forget to give fresh water and food to your new baby. Remember, he probably didn't eat all day! Also, remember to take your puppy out regularly for your toilet needs.

Your puppy will be very excited about the new environment. He would like to explore and pounce anywhere. As long as she does her business before entering the house, and unless you are a puppy, you should be fine. Follow him everywhere and watch him up close. No matter what you did before puppy-proofing, be sure to find ways to get your puppy in trouble!

Relax and sit down

After the initial excitement of showing the puppy to his home and new family, he suddenly kills you - this puppy is at home 24/7! He doesn't understand anything, not even his name! He was trying to chew and eat anything to see. He may also have one or two accidents. Never mind all your previous puppy proofing efforts. What in the world are you going to do with this puppy?

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Breath! Will be fine Before you know it, it will be like your new baby has always been with you. In the meantime, keep in mind that your puppy cannot understand words, even if he understands more than you think. He can read the expressions and understand the tone / effect. The door to communication is really open - use it to communicate effectively. With patience and consistency, you will see that very soon those words will also be learned. Fortunately, most puppies are incredibly smart.